The North 40 was purchased in part with $10 million dollars of funding from the CPA.
TheCommunity Preservation
Committeehas proposed the acreage to be under deed restriction to the Select Board. Watch the discussion from the November 14 Select Board
meeting starting at 1hour 26minutes.
The Wellesley Trails Committee submitted a Statement on Protecting the North 40 to Town Boards. Read
it here:
The skies cleared for a beautiful ribbon-cutting ceremony to celebrate the opening of the boardwalk at the North 40 Vernal Pool, which provides both
access and protection to this important resource.
Selectman Jack Morgan and NRC Director Brandon Schmitt addressed the large crowd in attendance, and lead volunteer Bill Giezentanner had the honor of
cutting the ribbon. The boardwalk was funded by the Community Preservation Act (CPA), and built with over 500 hours of volunteer labor.